koefisien inbreeding


The inbreeding coefficient is a function of the number and location of the common ancestors in a pedigree. According to the experts is also recommended that an individual's IC should not exceed 6% counted from the 5 generation pedigree, which is about the same as breeding among cousins, and 9% counted from the 10 generations pedigree. ...

The inbreeding coefficient is a measure of the proportion by which the heterozygosity of an individual is reduced by inbreeding. Although Wright derived his algorithm by using correlation coefficients, this derivation has been largely replaced by using the concept of "identity by descent (IBD)".

Koefisien kekerabatan seekor ternak dengan dirinya sendiri (diagonal element) sama dengan 1 ditambah koefisien inbreeding individu tersebut. Koefisien inbreeding (F) sama dengan 0.5 x...

The coefficient of inbreeding (COI) is a number measuring how inbred an individual is. Specifically, it is the probability that two alleles at any locus in an individual are identical by descent from a common ancestor of the two parents.

Daftar Isi. Pengertian Inbreeding. Jenis Inbreeding. 1. Pedigree inbreeding. 2. Inbreeding persilangan terkendali. 3. Inbreeding sebagian populasi. Pembentukan inbrida. Artikel Terkait: Pengertian Inbreeding adalah metode perkembang-biakan tanaman satu kepada tanaman lain yang hubungan keturunannya masih berdekatan.

The calculated mean inbreeding coefficient (F) for the total population was 0.0287. Three groups formed on male education in order to assess the effect of education on the inbred marriages.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung koefisien inbreeding dan untuk mengetahui hubugan antara koefisien inbreeding dengan angka kematian pada populasi kijang (Muntacus muntjak muntjak) di Kebun Bintanag Surabaya dari tahun 1987 sampai dengan tahun 1992 Dokumen riwayat hidup kijang (Muntacus muntjak muntjak) di Kebun Binatang Surabaya dari ...

Teknik penangkaran dan analisis koefisien inbreeding pada jalak bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) di Mega Bird and Orchid Farm (MBOF), Bogor, Jawa Barat. Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) is an endemic species of Bali Island which needed to be preserved.

Abstract and Figures. The objective of this paper is to present to scientific and professional public the most common forms of inbreeding appearing or carried out with different kinds of domestic ...

Muhammad Firmansyah. Abstract. Abstrak Level inbreeding yang tinggi pada ternak dapat menyebabkan dampak ekonomi yang besar karena dapat menurunkan produktivitas ternak antara lain berat badan,...

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